Chair's Welcome

Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry at the University of California, Riverside. We are dedicated to perform cutting-edge research in biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as to strive towards excellence in undergraduate and graduate education. 

Our faculty pursue research areas spanning structural biology, genomics, stem cell and developmental biology, biophysics, cancer biology, and plant biology. The department has substantial strength in areas of transcriptional/translational control, epigenetic regulation, RNA biology, chromatin biology, genetic engineering, enzymology, genome stability, and environmental stress responses, providing our graduate students ample opportunities to pursue their research interests. A strong dedication to interdepartmental collaboration and cooperation among faculty also allows our graduate students to join research teams across the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Bourns School of Engineering, the UCR School of Medicine, and perform research in a highly integrative and interactive setting.

Our program hosts a large number of undergraduate students, who can choose a biochemistry major focused in chemistry, biology, or medical sciences. Our students benefit from having our world-class faculty teach in the classroom, exposing them to both the fundamental principles and the latest research discoveries. In addition, UC Riverside offers various competitive research programs aimed toward economically disadvantaged students. A high percentage of our undergraduates find that they qualify for student aid covering up to their entire tuition—because we believe that financial burden should not bar anyone from seeking a higher education.

I hope that this website will serve as a helpful resource for potential or current students, staff, visiting scholars and donors.

jeffrey experiment

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program

Upcoming Events

Bell Tower - Arches
2024 Mary K. and Randolph T. Wedding Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Symposium
September 12, 2024 @ 9:00 am
Genomics Auditorium & Lobby
The 2024 Mary K. and Randolph T. Wedding Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Symposium will take place, in-person, on Thursday, September 12th at the Genomics Auditorium, starting at 9:00 AM (PST). Below is the tentative schedule of events that includes various speaker presentations, including a talk by our…
Belltower at dusk
Biochemistry Reception for Graduating Seniors and Leland M. Shannon Award Recipients 2024
June 07, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
Boyce/Webber Hall Courtyard
Thh Biochemistry department will host a reception for Class of '24 BCH graduating seniors and the recipients of the 2024 Leland M. Shannon Awards for Winter and Spring quarter on Friday, June 7th, 2024, from 5:00-6:30pm in the Boyce/Webber Hall courtyard.Light refreshments will be provided during the event and a brief ceremony…
Alemayehu (Alex) Gorfe
BCH 251/252 Seminar- Alemayehu (Alex) Gorfe, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
May 21, 2024 @ 12:00 pm
Genomics Auditorium 1102A
The Department of Biochemistry's weekly BCH 252 seminar series is presented this week by Alemayehu (Alex) Gorfe, Professor of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Seminar Title: “Membrane interactions and inhibition of the KRAS oncogene” Abstract: Compared to…
Matthew Tippin
BCH 251/252 Seminar- Matthew Tippin, UC Riverside
May 14, 2024 @ 12:00 pm
Genomics Auditorium 1102A
The Department of Biochemistry's weekly BCH 252 seminar series is presented this week by Matthew Tippin, BCMB Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Biochemistry, UC Riverside Seminar Title: “The Molecular Basis of the Human Mitochondrial Lon Protease Binding to DNA” Abstract: The human mitochondrial Lon protease…
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