Congratulations to this year's BCH 162 Leland M. Shannon Scholarship Award Winners!
Winter 2022:
Krystal Adan | Elizabeth Liu | Rachel Nguyen | Sunny Trieu
Spring 2022:
Brian Chong | Samantha Kuong | Jason Ly | Jeff Yang
The Shannon Scholarship Awards are presented to students enrolled in BCH 162 (Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory). The students apply for the award at the end of the academic year. Their diligence, laboratory performance, and the growth of the student during the class are important considerations in choosing the recipients.
For the 2021-2022 academic year, we were fortunate enough to provide 4 awards for Winter quarter students and 4 awards for Spring quarter students.
Congratulations to these students on this wonderful achievement!
For any questions on this award please contact: Lacey Grawe,